Nano botulinum Toxin Aesthetics
Is carried out with nano-technologies, as well as products that contain only natural ingredients, the effect of which is similar to the botulinum Toxin medical! Without blocking the muscular system, which allows you to maintain your facial expressions!
✔️Eliminates the wrinkles in the forehead
✔️Lines of expression
✔️Lines between the eyebrows
✔️Lines of the contour of the eyes
✔️Stimulates the formation of collagen
✔️Against premature aging.
✔️Provides volume.
- This treatment time for a durability of 1 hour.
- The results are incendiary however with the days will go see better results.
- This effect will have a durability of 1 year, provided they are carried out preventive maintenance.
- According to the evaluation may recommend several sessions.